We often see America as a “Christian”nation with open boarders. A nation that welcome in droves of fellow human beings from foreign lands who worship non-Christian, false religions and gods. The reason for America’s being a country established without a “National Religious Identity” was to escape or avoid the tyranny of the government or “king” and his officials, including the formalized arm of the church under the government from ruling the people in the name or “Christianity” or “religion” in general.
Going back to Exodus 23:31-33, the setting for this passage was in relation to God’s covenant with His people. The word “covenant” here describes a binding agreement that recognizes the rights of each party. Israel was forbidden to make such treaties with nations with false gods, lest they be corrupted by the perverse customs of their neighbors. “…their gods’ refers here primarily to Baal and other fertility gods. All god’s all false God’s as there can only be one true God.
Soberly speaking, Muslims have an average of 5-7 child. While Non-Muslim conservatives are now having more and more children, Christians over the past decades have been having very few children. Now that parts of Michigan and Minnesota have become more Muslim run by way of population and now governmentally, they are kicking out the secularists. I would submit that the “secularist, and those in the sexual freedom category face an uphill battle that they cannot and will not win.
I want to make very clear that no matter how badly the secular government persecutes the Christian population, that the secular world order is no match for an Islamic (or a serious-biblically literate Christian) society that is adamant and serious about their pursuit of God and keeping His ways. This is foreign for most people who call themselves Christian’s in America and Europe today. In contrast, the Muslim community in general have remained non-integrated into Western culture, keeping their culture, traditions and religion clean of secular cultural values. Christians on the other hand, have for the most part, compromised their Christian convictions and commitment to God’s Word in the name of comfort, sexual freedom and affluence. Christians over the decades, in great part, have succumbed the god’s of academia, a good job, the pursuit of money, influence, affluence and power. Muslims on the other hand have kept their religious and family values in tact. As a result, the general American population is full of drug abuse and addiction, sexual abuse, homelessness and broken homes through divorce and infidelity. The same in part can be said of Europe, but Europe is still more traditional and more family oriented than America, but just as if not more secular in great part than the United States. Europe is now turning back to God and their Christian roots more quickly than America is.
Where is the hope in all of this? The hope lies in getting back to an authentic Christian faith and picking up where the culture left off. If we get back to reading our Bible’s, taking time to pray AHT ethically pray, embrace marriage for life in biblical terms, and seek money as a means and not an ends, the America that we were born into as a “Christian”nation will repopulate and live by Christian values once again. This is the America that was once the envy of the world over the past 75 years. But, if we continue to welcome those who worship false god’s into our land in droves, we WILL CONTINUE TO BE watered down overtaken by those we welcome from nations not committed to the Bible and Christians , but rather hostile towards it and Christians. This by the way is not a warning but a promise.
I submit that America has no obligation to welcome in unregistered immigrants who do not hold to Christian values in such great numbers. To think otherwise is to welcome invasion and the loss of identity. The idea of America’s being established without a “National Religious Identity” was noble at it’s inception in that it was intended to escape or avoid the tyranny of the government or “king” and his officials. Christians wanted freedom from the formalized arm of the church under the government who ruled them as subjects of the state in the name of “religion”. They wanted freedom to seek God authentically, not a theocracy. There is a big difference.
God’s immigration policy for the Jewish nation was this: “…for I will give the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you shall drive them out before you. You shall make NO COVENANT with them and their gods. THEY SHALL NOT DWELL IN YOUR LAND, LEST THEY MAKE YOU SIN AGAINST ME; FOR IF YOU SERVE THEIR GOD’S, it will surely be a snare for you” (Exodus 23:31b-33).
Today’s truth is this: If we desert God altogether as a nation without a Christian identity and welcome into American-droves of people from other countries who worship false gods, what will become of America? When Muslims have two to three times as many children as the Christian population does, what will our children, grandchildren and nation be left with? What will “America” become? I will leave that up to you to answer for yourself. We didn’t get here in a day, and we won’t get back in a day. Please pray about this and start afresh having healthy, Christ centered, biblically literate families-with more children, void of divorce for all the wrong reasons. If we do this, God will restore our land which all those who are here, God will ultimately be honored, our children will live in a much better place, and God will bless our nation once again.