DEBUNKING “The Gate To The Garden Of Eden Just Found In Israel” I have a feed that keeps popping up by by www.the that consistently distorts the truth if the Bible-horribly. Today, they published an article and YouTube episode entitled “The Gate To The Garden Of Eden Just Found”. See link below. I responded to the horribly, distorted assertions as false truth and want to share that with you in an effort to better equip you in how you as well can spot false claims hell bent on a mission to distort the truth of God’s Word: seeking downloads or an agenda to distort the Bible for other sinful, evil reasons, including plain old ignorance. I cannot say why this channel exists or “WHY” they say the things they do…only what they actuality say. I cannot say why only that. Such false assertions need an educated, biblical, scientific and archeological response. I think you will find my reply to the article (link included below). GOD bless you all and stay strong on God’s Truth.
The Gate To The Garden Of Eden Just Found In Israel
This channel is a pure distortion of Truth. The Bible makes clear that the Garden of Eden is in Iraq not Israel. The Bible does give evidence as to the location of the Garden of Eden since two of the rivers mentioned still exist-the Tigris (Hiddekel) and Euphrates (Genesis 2:14). Even if the rivers have a different flow since the flood, the placement of very names as rivers indicates that the writer believed this to be a literal place. The Bible even locate them in Assyria (vs. 14), which is modern day Iraq. Furthermore, who is this archeologist Jody? What are her credentials? What has she written and who has esteemed her? Your channel is is repeatedly shown to be without credentials. You state in the headline that the Garden of Eden has been discovered based in Archeologist Jody’s conclusions- “what she believes” not what has been proven or backed up with facts: Assertions made WITHOUT a shred of evidence-using random facts and opinion(s) that do nothing to prove much of anything. Your channels MO is based on putting out random facts that are true in many cases but unrelated to your stated point-as a manipulation of the existing facts. In other words-you state random true facts to back up false, unproven, made up assertions (I.e. the Garden Of Eden has been found)…when in fact, it hasn’t. What was found? The Bible says in Genesis 3:24 that the Garden was “sealed off” so this is one place we wouldn’t even expect to find archeological ruins. There is no indication that Adam and Eve constructed buildings or pottery, and whatever remained in the Garden of Eden would have been destroyed by the flood which covered the earth (Genesis 6:9; 2 Peter 3:5-6). Whether you all seek to distort the Truth of God, or you simply seek to use God’s Word for YouTube channel income, remember one important thing-which is that whether you believe in God-or not has no bearing in His existence or the accuracy and truth of His Wordthe Bible. To distort God is now between you all and God.