“How Are Christians To Interact With LBGTQ+
I am often asked, “How are we as Christians to interact with the LBGTQ+ community”? It’s a simple but still difficult question to answer because we create a self-inflicting war in our minds and hearts between God’s Word, His law, His grace and his love. Let’s first establish that all of us, more often than not, EXPECT and ask God for His grace upon and within our own lives but demand justice upon others. Please give that some thought.
ARE WE TO COMPROMISE OUR BIBLICAL BELIEFS AND CONVICTIONS AND AFFIRM THE GAY LIFE STYLE IN ANY WAY OR FORM IN LIGHT OF BIBLICAL TEACHING? No, we are NOT to affirm the gay lifestyle, but we are called to love LBGTQ+ people, individuals, and as creations of God-made in His image. Let's also make it a point to underst that in most cases, they are hurting people (much like you and I in many cases). It’s very tempting to feel as though we must compromise our biblical convictions to accommodate that community of people, but that is simply untrue. Loving anyone in light of their status, whether gay, a gossiper, a thief, and adulterer, and the list goes, on does not make us affirming of their actions or beliefs. We need to love them as people created in the image of God. So, how can we better do this?
FIRST: We need to let our LBGQ friends know that we love them unconditionally. No strings attached. This is difficult for us to do, but I challenge each one of you to reflect upon your own life and ask if you sinned today and how you can help others in light of your own inperfections?
SECOND: We should be praying for them daily, asking if we can pray for them, for their needs, and struggles; as we all have needs and struggles in our life, and they are no different than us in that way.
THIRD: We need to affirm that we are there for them UNCONDITIONALLY (BE THERE). Nothing speaks more to what you and I say-than how we act (and react to them) in love and selflessness. We will earn the right be heard once we have taken the time to sincerely listen.
FOURTH: When you and I have the opportunity to encourage folks in that community, we will find the God provided opportunity at some point to share the fact that God has so much for all of us as humans, in light of God's purpose for our lives when we seek a right relationship with God. Most people struggle with issue.
FIFTH and LASTLY: Let's keep in mind that we are no different today than in biblical times. During biblical, Roman culture, when the church was birthed (that’s right-when the church was birthed in God’s perfect timing), culture was a totally pro-gay culture. Remember what Greek culture was like in biblical times? Paul spoke to this and we need to recognize we are here as God's agents to transform people’s lives with the love, power and truth of Jesus Christ. Let’s not forget any one of those components. This is where we are at today. We need to understand that God so loved the world (everyone) that He gave his only begotten Son-so that we (all of us, not just a select few) might have every lasting life (John 3:16). We all need that redemption to heal us as people, as a culture, and as a nation. By doing so, God will usher us into a new time in history with Jesus more so at the forefront. Please let me leave you with one simple verse to ponder in light of today’s entry: “And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others” (Mt. 5:47). And this is how we as Christians can and ought to interact with the LBGTQ+ community