When asked, ,"Who Is the Greatest to ever live", the world has many answers; but only one can be the truth. And today, we will learn the truth-and that the truth is exclusive to just one Person.
I googled “Who is the greatest individual of all time?” And upcoming this from school connect.com: “Muhammad: HE is frequently recognized as the greatest person to ever exist. It's not surprising to see upper education promoting Islam above Christianity due to the Christian withdrawal from the public and Ivy League educational institutions. The article went on to clarify that this was the prophet Muhammad who "is said to have been born in Mecca (now Saudi’s Arabia) in 570 A.D…" In another online article titled “Top ten best humans in the world” by the same website, ischoolconnect.com, published May 12, 2023, they listed Muhammad bin Abdullah (Muhammad, prophet of Islam) a prominent figure in politics, religion, and society. Second was Isaac Newton, famous mathematician who discovered gravity and who passed away in Florence Italy in 1642. And then finally, they listed Jesus as number three. They didn’t name him as "Jesus Christ", but only Jesus. With Muhammad, they referred to him not as "Muhammad" but as, Muhammad ibn Abdullah. This is a great disrespect to Jesus Christ and Christians around the world in more than one way; but to be expected from Islamic scholars. Fourth was Buddha followed by Confucius at number five and so on.
Www.iSchoolconnect.com is an online resource for Ivy League schools, obviously run by a Muslim person or group of people. ISchoolConnect under their “About Us” tab, “is the simple one stop shop for all your higher education requirements”, stating, “We desire to be the most beloved student mobility solution on earth…Making the admissions process globally accessible and hassle-free for every student”. The only problem is that they got it wrong and untrue at the center core of their understanding of the truth-hence they got it wrong there forward. It is a fact that Jesus Christ throughout the entire world has been hailed the greatest person to ever live and who will ever live.
Quora.com, in an entry titled, “What made Jesus Christ the greatest person in history?”,published March 17, 2018 gives countless reasons as to why that is a fact. In an article entitled “Ten Reasons Jesus is the Most Influential Person in history”, by Kurt Mahlburg at www.Kurtmahlburg.blog published in 2019 shows why Jesus is the greatest person to ever live. Some of the reasons include: Jesus is permanently world famous; Jesus launched an equality revolution; Jesus redefined hero; Jesus inspired universal literacy; Jesus is the Star of ancient history; Jesus’ followers discovered science (not Muhammad or the religion of Islam); Jesus is the world’s greatest force for compassion; Jesus paved the way for democracy; Jesus and His church are the most hated people on the earth (When a single faith is the target of so much worldwide opposition-and this despite the many benefits it has brought the world-it should get our attention. Jesus really came to rescue humanity from its deep hostility towards God-Jesus as God loved us while we still hated Him. Tenth and lastly, Jesus’ claim to be God was unique, unlike Muhammad who never did that, as he self-proclaimed to be a prophet (not God or Allah), referring to Allah as God and not himself. https://kurtmahlburg.blog/2019/03/25/jesus-is-the-most-influential-person-in-history/amp/
Lastly: What the Bible Says About Who Is The Greatest:
The Bible through the words of Jesus Christ answers our question: Jesus, when asked the question by His disciples as to: “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Breaks His answer down as follows:
- First Jesus called a “child” and put that child in front of them to make His point.
- Then Jesus said to them that if they do not and will not become just like this child (children did not have the esteem in biblical times we assign to them in the modern age), that they as adults will NEVER enter the kingdom of heaven.
- Jesus then further clarifies what He means by that in saying, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven”.
- Jesus goes on to further clarify the greatest as being those who “receive” one such child in the name of Jesus Christ as one who literally receives Jesus him or herself.
- Then Jesus sobers the world up in making clear that throw who CAUSE just one such child who believes in Jesus to sin, that it would be better for him or her to have a great millstone tied around their neck (weighing hundreds of pounds) and be thrown into the depth of the sea. Some people would proclaim this as cruel and wrong. Such thinking is very postmodern and incorrect. Jesus as God and man is the truth and says what “is”, what is “right”, and what “will be”. Here is Jesus said in His own words:
“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them 3 and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,[a] it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matthew 18:1-6)
In closing, who is the greatest? Jesus of course. But we can as authentic followers of Jesus Christ-emulate and live out that greatness in light His the words, commands and how Jesus live out his life. This includes humbling ourselves (vs.4); meaning that whoever humbles himself until he becomes as innocent and pure in their faith-exhibiting trust, openness, and eagerness to learn-these are the childlike qualities that constitute true greatness. You and I can be among the greatest to ever live as we live out this command-mission Jesus lesson. Once we do this, the rest will follow. And the rest is up to you and I-with the help of God’s Word (the Bible) and the Holy Spirit.