The world seems bleak at the moment-but it’s simply changing. We must keep in mind that none of this took God by surprise and that He is in full control. As humans, we like “comfort” and “predictability”. Many like “complacency”…but God is having none of that. The immoral wokeness of a sexually perverse nation and West in great part is coming to an end. The WEC World Economic Forum is struggling to exist, and many members are now leaving the WEC as they have been discovered and spot-lighted. While the main stream media has covered for them for some time, new, alternative news sources have exposed them and it’s gone viral. In other words, they got their hands caught in the cookie jar. As a result of the “liberal western agenda and world order”, many nations in Europe are becoming more independent, and as a result, the U.S. dollar as the world’s currency has begun it’s exit-to subside (which will take years). The good news is that America and Europe are waking up. America and Europe in part have become immoral, anti-biblical nations run by godless, immoral, insane ruling state authorities. As such, while we are still headed for a bigger mess, the good news is that the West (namely America and Europe) are returning to their roots as a more Christ centered culture and back to national, cultural traditions. This will take some time, but we are now in motion and this cannot be stopped. If we get in to and stay in the battle-and this is a battle, we will win with God’s help. While we still have a big war to win-we have turned the corner and must keep fighting the individual battles in order to win the war. If you have been frightened into self-silence, I would ask that you tactfully and tastefully get into the game and battles in the spheres God has placed you in. You can do this tastefully and rationally. If you need help, go through the online Equipped BASICS and ADVANCED courses at Christianity is not a spectator sport and we as believers are not to be absent in politics but quite the opposite. We must be interacting in political discourse. When we fail to do so, the responsibility rests on us; just look at our current world. We are biblically "called" to influence our world, including our rulers for the betterment of the world: for our children and younger generations yet to inherent what we leave them. Failure to do so means that we by default choose our own leaders/ ruling class with no authentic Christian values, and in the process, subject ourselves and our children to be ruled by godless atheists, socialists and Muslims. That’s the world they stand to inherit should we rest in our comforts. The liberal world order has been seen in all it’s self-ordered glory. Now, as a haughty spirit comes before a fall, the time is fast approaching for us to put the world back together under the direction of God, according to Scripture, through Jesus Christ for our children’s generation. This means that we cannot bathe in apathy, retire out and become out of shape in our spiritual condition. Instead, we must work diligently to fulfill our biblical mission mandated by our Lord for our children, all who will accept Christ, and for the up and coming generation who have been reared in a morally relative, seemingly hopeless era. When the next generation comes to run the country on either/or, both sides of the pond, I am confident that our children’s generarion will be like a modern day “Great Generation” in that they suffered and had to grow up too soon. They have had to see, experience, and endure things they ought never have seen and experienced; children as young as 2 years of age physically and emotionally mutilated as sacrifice in the name of gender re-assignment. Such things were considered grossly criminal in my childhood. If we are honest with ourselves, we as a nation have grown too affluent, to comfortable, and too morally relative in light of wanting to keep all the stuff we have amassed (but cannot take with us). We have allowed a perverted miss-conceived, distorted form of freedom in the name of “selfish self-proclaimed rights at the cost of others; including our children. In my opinion, God had to allow the virus to lock us down, the economy to fall apart, the currency to fail, the bank crisis to occur, and the war to be what it in order to turn us back to Him. God has allowed this in order to allow us to be subjected to the self-inflicted wounds we created, and force us to take a position: to side with either God or the world. We as “Christian’s” are being humbled as individuals and as a nation. This is necessary before God can and lift us up-not to our former position (that is gone), but to a better, more God fearing, moral people and nation, both here and in Europe. Why do I harp on Europe? Because America was founded in modern form by Europeans and together, we are the world’s center for Christian heritage. I am reminded though Proverbs 16 that a humble people make a humble nation, which in turn invokes the blessings of God. And this is what will make America, Europe and other Christ centered nations great once again. "The highway of the upright avoids evil; those who guard their ways preserve their lives. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud." (PROVERBS 16:17-19). The ARTICLE below is but another example of Europe taking the lead in taking back their soveirnty. Let’s pray for good things yet to come for America and Europe and the world at large. Let’s help our children use the vast resources that we have been entrusted with to glorify God; being good stewards of the earth without worshipping it. Let’s be praying for God to raise up godly world leaders once again. And let’s be praying for one another. (See Article below)
Quite telling of the future…Europe and the USA will be tight trading partners here forward into the future, but Europe will be far less dependent on USA and China…this is good news