God provided us a wonderful blueprint for finding a godly partner in life! He tells us in His Word what to look for and what not to look for in the same sentence. Only God can do that. These same principles apply to friendship as well…thank all of you in my community for your godly friendship. Here are four key-biblical principles for godly friendship. Let's.
FIRST:We should seek beauty and attractiveness but not above substance.
SECOND: Avoid those shallow in faith but seek those with strong faith and depth of character.
THIRD: Avoid being charmed by others and pursue those honest with us.
FORTH: Never allow competition, vanity and materialistic things get in the way of authentic relationships and friendship.
If we we do this, God makes pretty clear that he will bless us.
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.“ (Proverbs 31:30)
This article is about godly friendships. BUT FOR THOSE NOT MARRIED: WWW.Ibelieve.com WRITES:
How to Have a Godly Dating Relationship by Victoria Riollano says:
- Love the Lord
- Pray together
- Be sexually pure
- Have an accountability partner outside of the relationship
- Seek the Lord in all things
Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Jonathan J. Castellon
The Difference between Godly and Worldly Dating
In simple terms, the two biggest distinctions between Godly dating and worldly dating are motivation and action. As mentioned earlier, it is very important to know your motivation for dating. Is it to simply be married? Is it to fulfill your sexual desires? Is it to not “feel lonely”? Is it to keep up with others who seem happy together? Your answer to these questions will paint a clear picture of your motivation. It’s clear to see that these questions are based on emotion and fleshly desires.
The Golden Rule in Christian Dating
- Date for at least two years. People can hode who they are up until about the two year mark. Don't rush a life time of marriage for a few short months.
- Don’t date for any more than a year (unless you are committed to working towards marriage).
- Spend as much time seeing the other person in as many situations as possible. It's easy to see the same a Christian person in the same group give a 1D view of the person in one light. No, see the person under stress as well as good times. Holidays, vacation, daiky in their work. And of course in your Christian group as well. Once married, you won't live in a Chrisirisn group so see each other in all lights.
- Make sure you get plenty of time one on one as well as in groups. See the persons spiritual depth and commitment to the Lord.
- Don’t kiss before you’re married. Simply put-dont start what you don not want to finish before narriage. The chemistry follows the comittment.
- Put clear boundaries into place. This will help you with temptation.
- Spend lots of time together getting to Turku know each other. There is no substitute for time because time draws out the very best and worst in each of us. You want to see both before saying "I DO".
- Don’t date but court-and don't court anyone until you’re considering marriage. To fail here is ti date and dating doesn't usually end well.
- IN CONCLUSION: God provided us a wonderful blueprint for finding a godly partner in life! He tells us in His Word what to look for and what not to look for in the same sentence. Only God can do that. If we follow His principles and apply to friendship as well as in courtship, God will bring you-entrust you with godly friends...and an imperfect as we all are) but godly partner for life:)