The Bible is a supernatural gift given to us by God. Within the pages of the Bible, God often tells us “how to act, think and be”-directly in the positive and in the negative. The bottom line in today’s important passage is that the final product is for us to: “BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER, AS GOD IN CHRIST FORGAVE YOU” (Ephesians 4: 32)
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32) God says:
- PUT OFF the old self that belonged to the world and that is corrupt and full of evil desires (vs. 22). Desires are what we simply want or desire in the flesh.
- BE RENEWED IN SPIRIT and mind (v.23).
- PUT ON the NEW SELF which is created in God’s likeness in true holiness and righteousness (v.24).
- Having PUT AWAY falsehood, God tells us to “SPEAK THE TRUTH OUR NEIGHBOR” (v.25).
- God gives us permission TO BE ANGRY but NOT SIN (v.26). God gives us a mix of the positive and negative in one verse. Anger is not a bad thing if it is rightful and does not move into our desire in the flesh to express our emotion outside of God’s bounds.
- God goes on to say in v.26, “DO NOT LET THE SUN GO DOWN ON YOUR ANGER”. The reason for this is that to fester in our anger will lead to unrighteousness and sin if not at that place in our heart and mind. In verse 27, God gives us the WHY “…and give no opportunity onto the devil”.
- Stealing in Paul's time was anoribkem. For those in the church who steal (which is one of the Ten Commandments), God makes clear: “Let the thief NO LONGER STEAL, but rather let him LABOR, DOING honest work with his own hands so that he may have something TO SHARE with anyone in I need” (v.28).
- We are to make sure that No corrupting talk COME OUT OF OUR MOUTH but to only SAY THINGS that are good for BUILDING UP others (namely the body of Christ) as fits the occasion. This I believe the hardest one of these for us bridal is trying to tame our tongue. The tongue is the most powerful weapon on plant earth. Nevertheless, God makes clear, that we are to work daily, through sanctification to bridal our tongue (which flows from the desires of our heart and self-discipline-which flows from the heart's desire). Instead, we are to use our tongue to EDIFY, ENCOURAGE and UPLIFT others-not break them down.
- We are NOT TO GRIEVE the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD (v.30).
- We are NOT to allow bitterness and wrath and anger to clamor but rather PUT AWAY all SLANDER and MALICE. God gives us two commands in the negative here to achieve the positive. God is the Master Teacher, and as such, we are to listen in 4D to all God is telling us in both the positive and negative.
- FIRST, regarding our SPEECH, Paul cited Zachariah 8:16 says we are to speak the TRUTH. God tells us to allow no UNWHOLESOME speech (lit. “Rotten” vs.29; Matthew 17:17-18) because such talk harms believers and grieves God’s Spirit (v.30). Rotten speech should be replaced by that which builds one another up and passes on God’s grace (v.29). SECOND, and closely related, is anger. Anger is dangerous (Proverbs 29:22; Matthew 5:22). Psalm 4:4 though make clear that not all anger is sin. It’s festering or uncontrolled anger that leads to bitterness, wrath and slander (v.31) that is sin that gives Satan the opportunity to work in our hearts and divide us as the body of Christ; hindering the gospel. Paul gives us three directives relating to how we are to harness our anger. FIRST: Anger should be dealt with quickly (v.26). SECOND: Anger should be replaced with kindness (v.32). And THIRD: Rather than allow bitterness or verbal abuse to fester, we should offer up forgiveness to others in such matters.
- In closing, I want to leave you with the very last verse (v.32) which I believe is the BOTTOM LINE God has for us today which says this: “BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER, AS GOD IN CHRIST FORGAVE YOU”. God is telling us in verses 31-32 that the old life comes from: FIRST: A hostile heart of “BITTERNESS”. SECOND: Seeks its own way. And THIRD: Speaks “EVIL” and wishes evil on others. How do we put away ALL bitterness? By letting God fill our hearts with His perfect love. In other words, let the POSITIVE overtake our hearts and minds to the point that it naturally PUSHES OUT the negative. Before we know it, we will become more like Christ “naturally” as will do one thing (positive/God) as opposed two to the equal extent (God and working to push out evil). In the end, the new life is TENDERHEARTED, shows itself in ACTS OF KINDNESS, and is READY TO FORGIVE WRONGS suffered from others. And, that’s the BOTTOM LINE from GOD himself. Have a blessed day.