Newsmax published an article called “Credit Suisse Faulted for Curbing Probe Into Nazi Ties” published Wednesday, 19 April 2023 06:35 AM EDT The article opens with this:
“U.S. lawmakers have accused embattled Swiss bank Credit Suisse of limiting the scope of an internal investigation into Nazi clients and Nazi-linked accounts, including some that were open until just a few years ago.
The Senate Budget Committee says an independent ombudsman initially brought in by the bank to oversee the probe was “inexplicably terminated” as he carried out his work, and it faulted “incomplete” reports that were hindered by restrictions.
Credit Suisse said it was “fully cooperating” with the committee's inquiry but rejected some claims from the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Los Angeles-based Jewish human rights group, that brought to light in 2020 allegations of possible Nazi-linked accounts at Switzerland's second-largest bank.”
“Despite the hurdles, the reports from the ombudsman and forensic research team revealed at least 99 accounts for senior Nazi officials in Germany or members of a Nazi-affliliated groups in Argentina, most of which were not previously disclosed, the committee said Tuesday.
The reports “raise new questions about the bank’s potential support for Nazis fleeing justice following World War II via so-called ‘Ratlines,” the committee said, referring to a network of escape routes used by Nazis after the war. The committee said Credit Suisse “has pledged to continue its own investigation into remaining unanswered questions.”
You can read the entire article in the link below. When I read this, a number of things stood out to me by just reading the beginning of the article. First, is the modern tolerance for a Bank or any corporate entity being allowed to investigate themselves after being found guilty. This is a modern concept that tempts dishonest scales and seeks to cling to greed. As a result, such actions perpetuate further evil through the carnal flesh. In reality, millions of innocent Jewish people were put to death and their possessions, wealth and homes were stolen by the German Nazi’s. What I don’t understand is why any bank would seek to publicly cling to such “death money”, especially after 80 years?
Then it struck me that the more grievous harm here is a lack of biblical support by Western-Christian nations to support Israel. Today, I want to look briefly at “What Does The Bible Say about Standing with Israel?” By Jack Mayford, published on February 3rd, 2015 by FIRM, Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries.
Mayford points out that Israel’s very existence symbolizes the dichotomy of the biblical’s promise claim by God for their “possessing the land” amid hostile neighbors. In reality, Israel is staring down he barrel of a gun, no matter which direction they turn. But what does the Bible say?
The church is called to be Israel’s strongest ally amid an emergence of nations possessing a demonically driven desire to see the Jewish people eradicated. The Bible makes very clear that Israel is a land about which God says uniquely, prophetically and repeatedly in the Bible”, “This is Mine” (Joel 1:6; Zech,. 2:5-7; Gen, 35:10-15). If God said so, the church, as the body of Christ, we are to support Israel.
The Jews were the “first fruit”, meaning the first people (through Abraham) to understand a covenant God. It was after that point that they relayed the riches of that truth to the world, and through them, the Messiah came into the world. As gentiles, most of us were grafted into tree. Let’s take a quick look at some of the reasons we are to stand with Israel.
FIRST IS DEVINE ORDER: God created His divine order by first selecting people, starting with Abraham. It was through Abraham’s seed with his wife Sarah, that they would give birth to the promised child Isaac. This relates not only to a people (the Jews) but also to the land of Israel.
SECOND IS THE SPIRITUAL LINK: Our place as gentiles in God’s present order inextricably links us to the Jews as a people to God’s Word.
THIRD IS GOD’S PROMISES OVER THE LAND: When we speak of Israel, we are dealing with two things-a piece of property and God’s people. And God gave the land to his people, not a Swiss Bank or any other people group. “The land is the Lord’s land, and it is His to assign and dispose of” (Leviticus 25:23).
FOURTH IS THE MISREPRESENTATION OF ISRAEL BY THE MEDIA: Just about every news report on the conflict involving Israel today presents Israel as the aggressor. Even when provoked by Palestinian or Hamas rockets being launched into their cities.
FIFTH IS ARAB RIGHTS: There is a false notion that standing for Israel mandates an anti-Arab stance. That is simply not true. We can be pro-Arab as the same time. We don’t need to pick one side or the other in light of opposing the rights of Arabs living in Israel. This reflects back to the media who seeks to divide instead of to help unite. Looking back to Ishmael and Abraham, God has no disposition against any human being, including Arabs, who are the offspring of Ishmael, the other son of his chosen leader, Abraham. The world, not to mention most Christians simply do not understand this truth, but we can help this truth be shown through Jesus Christ and His lineage-in its proper context.
SIXTH IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE: The animosities on behalf of sectors of the Arab world are not merely political, but spiritual. For some, they will not be satisfied until Israel ceases to exist.
SEVENTH IS SHARE PERSECUTION: Christians and Jews are some of the most persecuted people in the world. And the U.N. Is silent on that fact for the most part. Too many in the world have an anti-Jewish/Christian spirit against “all that is called God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4)-including all things that testify as to His existence, love and glory.
EIGHTH AND LAST: Ephesians 6:10-20 gives us a biblical assignment and a divine promise that summons us to stand in faith with Israel, to intercede as best we can in supporting Israel. Remember that Scripture is clear in that there will come a time when the nations will turn against Israel (Zech 12:1-14). Looking at the news makes it seem a reality that may materials sooner than later.
Despite the reports “raise new questions about the bank’s potential support for Nazis fleeing justice following World War II via so-called ‘Ratlines,” the committee said, referring to a network of escape routes used by Nazis after the war. The committee said Credit Suisse “has pledged to continue its own investigation into remaining unanswered questions.” My thought is that in end, the bank itself was taken down in God’s providence. This should serve as a warning for those who fail to support Israel.
In the end, it is part of our calling that we as Christian gentiles stand with Israel, because we maybe people of the last hour. Furthermore, the lord has called us to be a people of “moral” and “biblical” conviction. We are called to walk wisely according to God’s Word and ways. And in the end, God will honor those who make a commitment to stand with the land God calls uniquely His.