GOD DECLARED HIS UNIQUE IDENTITY IN DEUTERONOMY 3:14, God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” God knows his own identity. He knows what and who He is. And because He created man and woman in His image (Genesis 1:27), proclaiming man’s biological identity as “a man” and a biological woman’s identity as “a woman”, there should be no more confusion, as God clearly did not create any other category of human. America was made great because it sought God’s heart through His word the Bible. As a result, America made the Bible the cornerstone of American law, culture and every other institution. God clearly blessed America as a result. As America has come to ignore God for many, neglect Him for most, and mock God for too many, God’s hand of blessing, protection and provision have lifted off America. One can only say that any nation is great in as much as it adheres to the greatness of the true God of the universe. How refreshing to see a world leader stand stand up as a powerful international leader and proclaim her identity against the grain of the liberal world order. Get ready to be inspired as we work to bring America back to her greatness in Christ. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Italy’s first woman Prime Minister Mrs. Giorgia Meloni!
1) FIRST, PRIME MINISTER GIORGIA SAYS SHE IS A (DONNA) WOMAN. It’s very encouraging to see the head of a powerful country not only proclaim to be a women, but she UNDERSTANDS what a woman is. Too American politicians cannot define what “a woman” is. Meloni understand that…(God made woman Genesis 2:22-24). Italy’s heritage is built on God, family and culture. Italy needs Christ more than religion, but at least they have a strong foundation in Christianity and not atheism or Islam or any other religion.
2) GIORGIA SAYS SECONDLY THAT SHE IS A (MADRE) MOTHER (The high calling of motherhood 1 Timothy 2:15. Our modern age is beginning to turn back to God as more and more women aspire to be godly. As a result, they more serious about “motherhood”. They have ordered their priorities biblically and are demonstrating the traits of faith, love and holiness. As a result, they can expect to come under attack at times. But godly woman are under estimated but the secular as they are tougher than the world knows and perhaps that we even think. Women’s literature will belittle them as doing nothing significant-nothing could be further from the truth. As sacrifices mount, temptations will increase to fall into the world’s system. Men need to assure their wives that they support them and share God’s vision for motherhood above the worlds selfish vision for a self-centered existence. The church must combat and not accomodate the biblical ideal of woman’s service to God and humanity as they persevere in faith, love, and holiness. In time the tide will change back to value women as God made them. The same can be said if men. In time motherhood will be properly viewed and prioritized.
3) THIRD, ITALY’S PRIME MINISTER GIORGIA PROCLAIMS BOLDLY THAT SHE IS A (CRISTIANO) CHRISTIAN! Meloni bodly proclaimed-“We will defend God, country and family,” she declared to an audience in Verona Italy. On another occasion, speaking in front of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, the Pope’s cathedral church, Meloni shouted: “I AM GIORGIA, I AM A WOMAN, I AM A MOTHER, I AM A CHRISTIAN!”
I summit that Ms.-Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, woman, mother and Christian has her priorities right in that God Gives her as He did all women and for that matter, all of is. Watch this uplifting video of Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia proclaiming bodly that she is a donna (woman), a madre (mother), and Cristiano (Christian). WATCH THE FOLLOWING VIDEO AND BE ENCORAGED-AND PRAY THAT AMERICA FOLLOWS SUIT: