Does the Bible speak “specifically” to abortion-especially to “late-term abortion”? The answer is a resounding YES! Look at the following text from Exodus. Let’s take a look and then see in a broader sense, how God’s people are to respond, not only to abortion but also to evil in the world.
Exodus 1:15-22
“15 Then the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other Puah, 16 “When you serve as midwife to the Hebrew women and see them on the birthstool, if it is a son, you shall kill him, but if it is a daughter, she shall live.” 17 But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live. 18 So the king of Egypt called the midwives and said to them, “Why have you done this, and let the male children live?” 19 The midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife comes to them.” 20 So God dealt well with the midwives. And the people multiplied and grew very strong. 21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families. 22 Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, “Every son that is born to the Hebrews[a] you shall cast into the Nile, but you shall let every daughter live.”
1) The government (the king of Egypt) said to the Hebrew midwives (who delivered the babies like our modern hospitals) “When you serve as midwife to the Hebrew women and see them on the birthstool, if it is a son, you shall kill him, but if it is a daughter, she shall live.” The government not only made it LEGAL to murder (abortion), but made it ILLEGAL to allow the children to live. Just because something is legal does not make it moral-and just because something is MORAL (according to the Scriptures) does not make it legal or illegal. Keep that in mind when discerning the truth in all of the news we read and watch.
2) MIDWIVES REPONSE: The midwives FEARED GOD and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live. This is what we call “CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE”. The midwives did not burn the city or protest or grow violent. They simply resisted to do evil. For those who support abortion, they cannot FEAR GOD. The fear the government above God and/or want their sexual freedom and use abortion as birth control as a safety measure to their freedom. When we are pulled into such evil ways in our profession, when push comes to shove, we are commanded to leave our job instead of participating in such evil acts as murder/abortion, cooking the books for a company, lying to get someone fired, etc.
3) THE GOVERNMENT CAUGHT THE MIDWIVESS AND THE MIDWIVES RESPONDED WITH CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE “…When The government asked, “Why have you done this, the midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife comes to them.” We addressed civil disobedience already, but let’s address the mid-wives LYING. Many Christians would say this is a sin-and they are right. But when given two bad decisions (murder or to lye), they are not equally as heavy sins. Yes, they lied to the king but even if it was a lie, the midwives are not commended for lying, but for refusing to kill. The pharaoh had resorted to male infanticide. To save life is a heavier sin than to tell a lie. Both are a sin, but not equally as weighty.
4) GOD REWARDED THE CORAGEOUS MIDWIVES: “So God dealt well with the midwives…And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families. The bottom line is that God provides and blesses those who are obedient to Him. Notice that the midwives were “SHREWD”. Matthew 10:16 makes clear that as followers of Jesus Christ that we are to be shrewd. Many people see shrewdness as evil or sinful-but it’s quite the opposite in that it is biblical and mandatory. Jesus himself said in Matthew 10:16, “Listen carefully: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves”. The ESV says it this way: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves”. Like in the time of Jesus, Christians the 21st Century are even more soft than in the time of Jesus. That is why Jesus had to state the obvious, saying “BEHOLD/LISTEN”! To get our attention, and then commanded (didn’t recommend) that we be as shrews as snakes but innocent as doves. This not easy for us to do in our modern age, but it is easier than we think-and Jesus commanded it as such.
5) LET’S REMEMBER IN CLOSING THAT EVIL NEVER RESTS AND NEITHER DO EVIL GOVERNMENTS: “Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, “Every son that is born to the Hebrews you shall cast into the Nile, but you shall let every daughter live.” Evil men and women never give up. William Burke, to paraphrase said this: “The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing”.
In closing, we live in similar times as Exodus. If we do nothing. If we are not shrewd but innocent. If we fail to speak up. If we fail to think biblically. Then we fail to stand on God’s Word and for His name and ways. This clarifies where God stands on abortion-but also more broadly addresses how God’s people are to live in an evil world. Our world is turning more evil by the day. How will you respond and how will you choose to live out your Christian faith in a world bent on evil?