Kenya's Second Lady Comes to America to Rescue Her Country's Boys: 'God Has Called Us' (She says)
Kenya’s second lady, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has come to America for financial help to raise the depressed young men of Kenya which are 85% Christian. I pray she avoids government funds which have strings attached and which would defer her main focus on the true power of God’s blessings and change in Jesus Christ. I pray that American’s able to help her will step up and help her so she can avoid the government’s financial and professional aid which always comes with anti-Christian strings.
Looking at what she has done, I want to ask you to compare Kenya’s Second Lady, who lives in the palace in Kenya to the average American (politician) and to yourself. I have done this myself. She came from the poor streets of starvation where her sister died of pneumonia, from living in the cold weather to serve and elevate up the vision-less Christian boys and young men of her nation. She blames Satan and not other human beings for the problem. I believe God will bless her for doing so. She make the point that Satan targets “young men” when he attacks, and she is right. Look at America for example where men and young boys have been politically forced into a feminine position while women have been forced into the role of nurturer and provider for the household. Sadly, too many men have embraced allowing their wife to be the provider and protector of the home in light of her assuming the role of provider and protector, making the husband the man-wive. That is a totally unpolitically correct statement-but it’s true. And if it’s true we ought not criticize such thinking. Rigathi as a person of (strong Christian) faith and conviction has it right. And we as American’s including every other nation as Christians would be wise to follow Rigathi by example in her quest-mission for the young men of her nation.
Looking at the West in comparison to Rigathi's mission. If honest, it's apparent that the money and wealth artificially created by the Central Banks has created an unprecedented amount of wealth in the hands of a few. This artificial wealth has led to an over-emphasis and misled priority on recreation, comfort, and selfishness. The end rsult is lack of having children, which is essential to maintaining and growing any nation. According to 2013 numbers: At number one spot, the average number of children people have in the country of Niger was 7.03. At the number 4 spot was Uganda with an average of 6.06 births per-family. Coming in at number 67th place, was Egypt with 2.9 children. At 101 was Mexico with 2.25 children. American families had an average of 2.03 children and Hong Kong had 1.1 children due to their “One Child” policy. Singapore came in last at number 231 with 0.79 children. Those statistics were back in 2013.
According to the current fertility rate for U.S. in 2023 is 1.78 births per-women, which is an 0.11% increase from 2022. For some they are unable to have children and our hearts go out for those women and families. For many others, they proclaim that it’s too expensive to have children or more than one or so children. Please allow me to interpret that thought. By “too expensive” they simply mean they don’t want to sacrifice their financial comfort for the next generation, so that they can have more disposable income for themselves in the present. I hope you don't put this down and keep reading to the end.
For the Christian, this goes against what the Bible teaches in Genesis 1:28. “And God blessed them. And God said to them (Adam and Eve), “Be fruitful and MULTIPLY and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Genesis 1:28). When two people have less than two children, they have fail to multiply because they failed to at least replace both of their selves. When a couple has two children, they have replaced themselves. When a family has three or more children, they have started to multiply themselves.
Going back to Lady Rigathi, I find very few hero’s in todays world-but I found one in Rigathi. In our dark “seemingly” godless world, Rigathi shows us all how we “CAN BE” as opposed to what America once was if we are willing to sacrifice our comforts, recreation and selfishness for selflessness. As such, I accept being kindly schooled by example through the love and truth of Christ by Rigathi regarding the subject for today, which is making men out of our young men-rescuing them from world that seeks to relegate their God-given role to lead and provide to the their co-partner, woman. Man is not more important than woman, but woman is no more important than man. They simply have different roles. If that seems contentious, I can only point you to study the early chapters of Genesis. Getting back to Kenya:
Kenya is 85% Christian, and Rigathi and her husband are STRONG believers Jesus in Christ. Rigathi says boldly that Satan is trying his best to infiltrate Kenya. "Anytime Satan wants to destroy a nation, he goes for the boy. We may not look at it and see it as a satanic move, but it is," Rigathi exclaimed. "There is no way we can have our boys in the gutter and on the other side you have (girls) who are so well-educated and we have a boy who is directionless and is dying out in the streets," she said.
So as the American dollar begins to lose it’s value, let’s make the effort to put the stress behind us and get on our knees, trusting in God’s provision, blessings and plan. This will entail some uncomfortable times and perhaps a loss in our way of life (financially speaking). This I see as not all bad. If we accept and embrace this and get back to God and the Bible-I am confident that God will elevate us (individually, not necessarily as a nation). Just like Kenya’s Second Lady of Kenya, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has come to America for financial help. She also comes BOLDLY and unapologetically proclaiming her faith in Jesus Christ in order to gain resources to help raise the depressed young men of Kenya which are 85% Christian. I pray she avoids government funds because God calls us NOT to depend on the government, but on one another as believers in Jesus Christ. I pray she is successful and that God will show up magnificently and bless her (and Kenya) for keeping her for her faith and central focus on the power of God’s blessings and the power to change in the name of Jesus Christ.
As for you and I, my prayer is that we look soberly at ourselves and our country. The goal is not to shame ourselves but to look at how God has blessed us and how we might bless others like Rigathi. We should be honest in that we have grown overweight while other countries starve. We have chosen to take it easy which has led us to become spiritually stale-held back from fulfilling our purpose and calling (just as king David did just before he had an affair with Bathsheba 2 Samuel). We have allowed boys and girls to be mutilated in the name of political correctness in light of the proclamation that God some how errored in making a boy a girl, or a girl a boy-based on a child’s emotions. We have allowed divorce to go rampant, devastating our families. We have allowed drugs to overtake our young men and women destroying the next generation. The list goes on. Please allow me to end by directing you to the link below. I simply ask you to please watch and listen for yourselves to the words of Rigathi and judge for yourselves just went wrong with our nation and how we might as Christians and as a nation get back to God and some form of stabilization. Lastly, look at Rigathi and compare her as a woman with much wealth and influence and ask yourself, “what would I do if I were Rigathi”?