- JESUS was pierced for our transgressions. (Yes, that includes you and I).
- HE was crushed for our iniquities. (And He didn’t complain about it.)
- Upon Him was the chastisement that brought you, me and the entire human race peace. (You will not hear about that in the news.)
- And with his wounds we are healed. (We are not hurt by th Gospel message as the main steam media will tell you when they that Christianity is somehow dangerous. Notice that they cannot tell you why Christianity is dangerous.)
- We like sheep have gone astray; (As Christians, let’s remember the fact that you and I once went astray, and on occassion, sometimes daily, still go astray-when we share the truth and love of Jesus Christ with the unsaved world. You and I were once not “new creations in Christ” just as the unsaved are currently not new creations. Empathy is the first tool in the evangelists toolbox.)
- And to wrap the point and to answer THE BOTTOM LINE: “We have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”- ISAIAH 53:5-6
- And that’s the BOTTOM LINE. Please don’t read over this-think about it. Ingest it and try to better live it.-Steven Garofalo