In the 1983 box office movie theater hit “TRADING PLACES”, Trading Places is a 1983 American comedy film Starring Dan Aykroyd, Eddie, and Jamie Lee Curtis Murphy among other great actors, the film tells the story of an upper-class Wall Street commodities broker (Dan Aykroyd) and a poor street hustler (Eddie Murphy) whose lives cross when they are unwittingly made the subject of an elaborate bet to test how each man will perform when their life circumstances are SWAPPED.
God did the same thing in a sense over 2000 years ago when he sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to earth, and then to swap with mankind, trading places with you and I for our eternal salvation. The big difference is that Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. He lived a perfect life, having never sinned. The same cannot be said of you and I, or any human being outside of Jesus himself.
Today’s verse was a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the Church at Corinth. Similar to our modern age, the city of Corinth and the Corinthian people were a sexually deviant, morally depraved people group. The church of Corinth, to their credit saw that depravity and moved deliberately towards God through Jesus Christ in struggling to leave the old immoral life behind to embrace a new life in Christ. They traded places within their own lives, but they couldn’t achieve salvation on their own-they had to simply accept this free gift that Jesus offers through His trading places for us. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians, “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
- FIRST: God did this for whose sake? Not His own, but for you and mine…meaning our sake. That is called selflessness, a foreign and rare concept in our modern age.
- SECOND: What exactly does Paul mean by saying, “for our sake he made him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin”. This means that God voluntarily, out of His love for us, sent His only son Jesus Christ to be treated as a sinner, bearing the full weight of (our) the worlds sins. I can barely imagine dying for my faith, being a prisoner, being tortured, or being persecuted for my faith. But I cannot imagine, and neither can you-what Jesus went through and what He felt as he hung on that Cross, bearing the “entire world’s sins when He was the only One to ever live that had no sin.
- THIRD: We know that it was for our sake that God made Jesus to be sin as an (the only) perfect person to ever walk the earth. And we know that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. Paul said, “so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”. What does this mean? It means that the sinless Savior has taken on our sins that we might have God’s righteousness. When Paul writes that Jesus knew “no sin” he is saying that Jesus never did anything wrong. Yet, He died for our sins, so that we could be declared righteous before God (v.19). The purpose for his death was that those who believe might have a righteous standing before God instead of facing judgement in hell for eternity.
In closing, in the 1983 box office movie theater hit “TRADING PLACES”, Trading Places is a 1983 American comedy film that tells the story of an upper-class Wall Street commodities broker and a poor street hustler whose lives cross when they are unwittingly made the subject of an elaborate bet to “trade places” to test how each man will perform when their life circumstances are SWAPPED. This was an experiment made by two human beings-two extremely-wealthy commodities brokers, brothers Mortimer and Randolf Duke in a “nature-verses-nurture wager” to puppet-master their secret social experiment to see who was right in their nature vs. nurture bet. It’s similar to the classic book, the Prince And Pauper book/movie.
The story of Jesus Christ was scripted from eternity by God, the Creator, Author and Lord over all the universe. I am thankful for comedy and for comedy films such as the “Trading Places” film because it lightens the heart in our broken, sad world. I haven’t seen the movie in decades, so I cannot speak to it’s moral content in the present as a disclaimer (but I do remember the plot and many of it’s very comical parts). But, I am eternally grateful and thankful for the real “Trading Places” story, because “For our sake he (Father God) made him (Son Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21). As we live out each day, despite all the craziness and loss we may experience, let’s remember that God doesn’t take away without giving us back much more and much better. In a nutshell, the sinless One “traded places” and died for you and I, so that we might live in eternity with Him in heaven. The real God trading places story wasn’t an experiment, and it wasn’t made for a wager, a contest or even on a bet: It was out of God’s LOVE for you and me and all mankind. And that is something that we can be thankful for.