In a religiously pluralistic world, it’s very confusing for those not in Christ regarding the fact that there is but One True God among many false gods. For some who are in Christ who are not as strong in their faith, this can still pose a dilemma for them. More than any other group affected by religious pluralism (the belief that all religions lead to the same “Truth”/“God” or “Religion”) is the younger generation. Yes, our children’s generation who grew up in a culture where Islam is more freely promoted and celebrated than Christianity (outside of the half-secular Christmas season). In a country with a large Hindu immigrant population who are model citizens who live out their faith, the Hindu faith better than the majority of Christians do. In a country and culture where secular humanism, a form of atheism that celebrates individualism so deeply, that one can proclaim themselves with whatever pronoun they wish, despite the fact that God knitted them in the womb with a single identity that physically cannot be changed. All of this spells confusion for one’s faith, trust, love, patriotism, religious duty, fidelity, and desire to seek the truth of who God really is. Today, I want to look at two simple, short, but very pointed verses in 2 Timothy Chapter 2:5-6 that gives five prerequisites that must be met in order to be the true God of the universe. This is what the Apostle wrote.
“For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time” (2 TIMOTHY 2:5-6)
Broken down, these are the five markers that must be met to be called the true God of the universe. And Christianity is the only religion in the world to meet all five.
- FIRST: “For there is only one God”. This eliminates every world religion and cult outside of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, because these are the only three “THEISTIC” religions in the world; meaning the only religions that have a singular God. Again, Paul in Paul’s own words: “For there is one God”.
- SECOND: Paul said, “and there is one mediator between God and men”. Now that we have narrowed the true God of the universe down to three religions, Paul makes clear that this “One God” must be a “MEDIATOR”. A mediator according to “Got Questions” is “an official “go-between” who acts as a link between two parties to reconcile their differences:. The term literally means “one who stands in between”. So the true God of the universe must be a mediator. Isaiah in the Old Testament make clear that all people enter this world separated or estranged form the Holy God (Isaiah 59:2; Romans 5:10). Moses was a mediator of the Old Testament Covenant (Galatians 3:19; Exodus 20:19). But it was in the New Testament that Jesus “became” the mediator of the new superior covenant. “But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises”(Hebrews 8:6). I don’t see a mediator in any other religion other than Christianity. Muhammad is not a mediator and the Old Testament has no other mediator for human kind other than pointed to the Christ, yet to come in the New Testament.
- THIRD: Paul makes that that this Mediator is “the man Christ Jesus”. This cements the identity of the true God of the universe as the one and only Jesus Christ of the Christian faith. There is no need to elaborate on the obvious for number three. This leads us to number four.
- FOURTH: Paul says that this Mediator is more specifically “Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all”. Now we are narrowing down the true God of the universe in that not only is his name is Jesus, not only is He a mediator, but that is a prerequisite that He is One “who gave himself as a ransom for all”. This seals the deal in that the only possible God of the universe is Jesus, who willingly gave his life, a gift freely given to “all”, not a select few who would accept that free gift as a ransom for our sin, which we as humans cannot pay for ourselves.
- FIFTH AND LASTLY: In order to be the true God of the universe, numbers one through four must not only be met, but they must culminate in a final outcome, “which is the testimony given at the proper time.” Jesus came at the perfect time in world history. If He were a hoax. If he were not the true God the universe. If he was not the Truth of God. If any or all of these things, His “testimony” to the world would not be remembered outside of an obscure line in a history book. In truth, the Christian faith is still the largest religion in the world and still the fastest growing religion in the world, despite the growth of Islam, Hinduism (which means “religion of the Indies or India), or even Judaism.
In the end, we all have to live in this new global-religiously pluralistic world. As such, this can be and is very often very confusing for those not in Christ regarding the fact that there is but One True God among many false gods. But it doesn’t have to if we are EQUIPPED. For some who are in Christ who are not as strong in their faith, this can also still pose a dilemma for them. More than any other group affected by religious pluralism (the belief that all religions lead to the same “Truth”/“God” or “Religion”) is the younger generation. Yes, our children’s generation who grew up in a culture where Islam is more freely promoted and celebrated than Christianity (outside of the half-secular Christmas season). In a country with a large Hindu immigrant population who are model citizens who live out their faith, the Hindu faith better than the majority of Christians do. In a country and culture where secular humanism, a form of atheism that celebrates individualism so deeply, that one can proclaim themselves with whatever pronoun they wish, despite the fact that God knitted them in the womb with a single identity that physically cannot be changed.
In conclusion: Let’s get in the Word of God, on our knees in prayer, and get Equipped with my book, “ALL ROADS DON’T LEAD TO HEAVEN” which is in the process of being put into a Ten-Part Online course with a quiz for each chapter and certificate. We are also slated to put the book into Audio Form by the fall. For now, you can get “All Roads Don’t Lead To Heaven, Discovering God In The New Age” at www.EquippedAcademy.Com, on Amazon, or at TriedstonePublishing.Com.
Stay strong in your faith, and help others, especially your children and their friends stand solid on their faith, understanding that “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time” (2 TIMOTHY 2:5-6)