- The world is, as they say in the South, “ONE HOT MESS”! The real battle thought is not with human cultists, false religions, atheists, agnostics, and pseudo Christians, but with the demonic beings working through them, of which even the “FLESH AND BLOOD” opponents themselves are sometimes unaware.
- Rarely do I speak of anything in the Bible that says do “A” and then get “B”. But in Ephesians 6:10-11, God himself tells us through the Apostle Paul two specific things or commands-that if we do something, that we can expect something to happen. Here are the two actions, that if you take today, will invoke two reactions. Today I want to look at two verses in Ephesians (6:10-11) in light of the larger passage, which includes verses 10-20 in an effort to set the scene and context here.
- Ephesians 6:10-20 is a very practical passage and one of the most famous and richly rewarding passages in all the New Testament. Paul had time to process what the Lord was going to speak through him and probably had a lot of time to contemplate the parts of a Roman soldiers armor since he was tied to or under house arrest, guarded a Roman soldier for over two years. With that in mind, lets take a look at what Paul is saying about what what happens when we are “strong in the Lord”. Let’s start by looking at what Paul is instructing us to do:
- FIRST: “Finally, be strong in the Lord”(…and in the strength of his might) vs. 10: When Paul tells us to “BE STRONG”, this may also be translated “BE MADE STRONG”. There is a very big difference in that the passive voice would suggest that we cannot do it ourselves. You see, our strength is from the Lord. Psalm 28:7-8 makes clear, The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trust in him, and he helps me, My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.” When we get in God’s Word and in prayer and lean in on God, he will “BE” our strength, hence gives us the (His) strength to prevail in the spiritual battles of the day.
- When Paul says, put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:10-11), it begs the question as to the importance of the the “WHOLE” armor of God. Notice that Paul did not say put on this specific piece or that specific piece, but the entire armor of God. “THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD” is the believer’s protection against evil and the Evil One. Paul presented the extended metaphor of the battle dress roughly according to the order in which the various pieces were put on. The “WHILES” of the devil” or tricks and manipulation designed to deceive and seduce the believer are Satan’s subtle tricks to deflate Christians in spiritual warfare (2 Corinthians 11:3). As such, this is Pauls directive in the logical form:
- If you are strong in the Lord in His strength and might.
- And if you put on the whole armor of God.
- Than you will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” (EPHESIANS 6:10-11)
- IN CONCLUSION: The world is, as they say in the South, “ONE HOT MESS”! The real battle thought is not with human cultists, false religions, atheists, agnostics, and pseudo Christians, but with the demonic beings working through them, of which even the “FLESH AND BLOOD” opponents themselves are sometimes unaware. Let’s take seriously what Paul is saying in this passage in that the real battle is not with human cultists, false religions, atheists, agnostics, and pseudo Christians, but with the demonic beings working through them, of which even the “FLESH AND BLOOD” opponents themselves are sometimes unaware. In other words, we tend to see the human themselves as the primary enemy when it’s the spiritual darkness directing them that is the issue. Not that they are innocent in any way, but we must approach them from a spiritual perspective and not forget that the battle is spiritual one, not one of flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood.” In other words, the fight is not against governments or people or companies or circumstances. The real battle-the unseen battle. And those battle are fought first by prayer and God’s Word, the Bible. OUR “ONE HOT MESS WORLD” IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE. The battle is “FOR THE SOULS OF THE UNBELIEVERS.” And how do we prepare to do this? By starting each day with the vision of making the world a better place in light of God’s goodness, calling and plan; starting with prayer. And in the end, God himself calls us through Paul to: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:10-11)