Everyone wants to be used by the Lord in their life time for the Kingdom of God on earth as well as in light of eternity. The problem is that there are as many opinions as there are people regarding how to achieve success and fruitfulness in the eyes of the Lord.
Today I am going to share with you from 2 Peter 1:5-8, God’s seven-step process (recipe), taking you from faith to a more fruitful ministry. Through this process you can learn how to be better used by God today and into eternity for His glory. Let’s jump right in.
- FIRST: We must make every effort to supplement our faith with virtue. Virtue is simply the conformity of your life and conduct within the framework of biblical morality. Put another way, the virtues are the practical attitudes that we adopt in obedience to God’s ways, Word, and biblical principles.
- SECOND: We must then put wheels on that virtue and turn it into or apply it to a functional “knowledge”. Biblical “knowledge” refers to examples of the “truths” and “commands” that God gives us and wants us to know. We are to take these truths and commands and authentically believe and follow through with them in our heart, mind and in life. Remember the the one tree that Adam and Eve were not to eat from was the “tree of knowledge” of good and evil. Knowledge is not just a random bunch of boring facts, but as stated, the truths, and commands that God wants us to know, believe, and live out in our lives. Furthermore, biblical knowledge is not morally or ethically neutral. It is black and white in that it is either “good” or “evil”. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 16:19, “I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil”. Knowledge comes from God and His Word and knowledge is not harmless in that it can be used for good or evil. Lastly, knowledge is not reserved for the pious. It’s not only for the few, selected ordained ministers as called by the Lord, but is there for and expected to be grasped, used and further dispensed by every single believer in the body of Christ. You can and should ask God for knowledge and discernment, understanding and wisdom as you move into step three, which is “self-control”.
- THIRD: Once we have gained some real knowledge, we must then take that knowledge and apply it to our life in the form of “self-control”. The discipline of self-control entails our setting boundaries in life, how we make decisions, in our emotional intelligence, and in our witness to the world. A lack of self-control in your life will lead to the flesh leading your life in a free reign of fleshly, worldly patterns that end with the dark side of of the spiritual world and the flesh exercising control over you. This step is essential to master to a great extent before you can move onto the forth step, which is “steadfastness”
- FOURTH: Once we have better mastered emotional control to a large degree, you will are or will be ready to turn that self-control into “steadfastness”, which is a consistent self-control, evenly distributed within our head and heart. God will give you the wisdom and show you the way, giving you a level head above your heart and emotions. This takes time and is the reason why most Christians need to be discipled over time, often years, before being entrusted with a leadership position.
- FIFTH: It’s at this point that you will begin to ascertain a firm grasp of “steadfastness”. And God will begin to use that steadfastness in your life to increase your “godly character”. Godly character is something we must constantly work at and on for the rest of our lives. Godly character is also something that the world sees as a reflection of the person of Jesus Christ, the Christian faith-validating the biblical Scriptures for many. And it’s within in that godliness that we find the mature Christian who is able to dispense brotherly affection which is the next step.
- SIXTH: The reason it took five steps to get to the point of being able to dispense brotherly affection is that we cannot give what we do not possess ourselves. The previous five steps or attributes of faith, virtue, knowledge self-control, steadfastness and godliness are things that God has to build into us. Now it’s time for us to use what God has given us for the edification of the body of Christ and the betterment of others in the name of Jesus Christ, according to His calling for our lives.
- SEVENTH AND LAST: Once we are able to emotionally and intellectually use faith, knowledge, and steadfastness in our character, we are then able to be used by God through brotherly affection, to dispense the love of God which is the the seventh and last step in the process of “faith to fruitfulness”. The following words spells out this seven step formula according to Peter.
“For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness,and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:5-8.
I pray you will read through this passage, study these verses, and pray to God to see where you might be needing to increase in order to be better used by God in maximizing your faith for the fruitfulness of God.
(Copyright 2023) Steven Garofalo