In America certainly, there has been the assumption of stability and triumph in every challenge the country have faced. In turn, this has created the mindset in most American’s and many people around the world to believe that “things will work out” because America has seemingly been there with the power, influence, will, and spirit to prevail and make things right.
But what happens when American leadership no longer thinks, does and govern’s rightly? By rightly, I mean, by the biblical values, morals and ethics that have guided her for well over 200 years. I believe that it is at that point, which by the way, is already well under sail, she fails to be successful in making things right for two reasons. First, some leaders want to reduce America’s influence in the world to be equal or below others. Second, because to get to number one, one must abandon the core values, morals, and POWER (blessing, provision and presence) of God upon the country. I am not saying that all citizens have abandoned God, but only that the American leadership in mass has abandoned God; including many Christians who may work for the government who are not effected by the impact of government abuse of the law, power resources, money, and the like. I grew up in the Washington D.C. area, and to be honest, when you are on the “inside”, it’s very difficult to understand what’s going on, on the outside of the D.C. area.
Today, I want to look at the words of the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:28 who said that “…all things work together for good…” because I think this verse is often misread, misinterpreted, and has been adapted as a national mantra that no longer holds true in it’s mis-informed, mis-interpreted form. Let’s look at exactly what Paul says in Roman’s 8:28 and break it down in an effort to understand WHEN exactly “all things work together for good”.
Paul says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28).
As a start point, it’s important to note what Paul means by “God FOREKNEW”, which means simply to know beforehand, but Carrie’s more than knowledge of people or events. It expresses knowing people, not merely knowing about them. This has been interpreted by some as God’s free and merciful choice of certain people “who receive His gift” (which entails free will) of salvation apart from any works they do.
It’s important to note that this verse is only for “those who love God”. That is the God of the Bible as Paul is speaking through the Christian New Testament. This does NOT pertain to those who believe in or worship false gods other than the biblical God. What Paul is saying by “all things work together for good”; by referring to the good, he is referring to those who conform to Christ as stated in vs. 29 which says, “For this whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers”.
Paul is not saying that God predestined some to heave and others to hell. The words “Among many brothers” indicates that God’s purpose (v.28) includes a vast number finding redemption the restoration of the human race through Jesus’ work. In it’s proper context, this phrase is a brief reminder from Paul about the obligation the Romans have to promulgate the gospel, especially by helping him go to Spain.
This being said, when Paul wrote, “work together for good”, the primary reference of “all things” is the “sufferings of this present time” (v.18). When Paul speaks to the fact that all circumstances will work together in cooperation for the believer’s good-he speaks to the fact that the believer will be conformed to Jesus Christ now and reign with God later. In the end, it is those who love God who are in fact those who are “the called” according to His purpose.
So in America certainly, while there has been this long standing assumption of stability and triumph in every challenge the country have faced, that is no longer true if the nation has turned it’s face away from God. The false mindset that “all things will work out” because we are America will not work out very well if the abuse of power, influence and wealth doesn’t cease soon. You had I cannot change this in whole, but we can certainly doe our part to begin to change minds and lead the Spirit of God to lead the lost back to Him.
In closing, God’s Word tells us in 2 CHRONICLES 7:14, “if my people who are called by name name humble themselves, and pray and seek my race and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”.
This reinforces todays verse in Romans that says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28).
So in conclusion, God does work all things together, both good and bad for our good, but for those who who are called according to His purpose, meaning those who love, accept and seek the face of the biblical God of the universe.