by Steven Garofalo, March 8, 2023 (Copyright 2023)
Most people have asked the question at one time or another, consciously or unconsciously as to “Why does God comfort us in our afflictions?” After all, what’s in it for Him? The Apostle Paul tells us exactly why in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, so lets just jump in.
FIRST: Paul starts answer the question as to why God comforts us in our afflictions with prelude blessing and praise to God for about what he is about to say. Paul says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort…”
Now lets pause here for just a moment to take in what Paul is saying. Paul is describing Father God as three things that He “IS” as opposed to just something He “DOES”. Paul describes God the Father as: 1) The “Father” of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this, we know that exactly who we are speaking of and to, meaning the first person in the Trinity, God the Father. 2) Paul describes God as the “Father of mercies”. and 3) As the “God of comfort”.
Paul then goes on to make clear that as the “God of all comfort” (not some comfort), that it is God the Father himself who “comforts us in all our affliction”. Now this is important because life is full of affliction, especially with all of the recent problems with Covid, lockdowns, printing of money, war, violence destroying our cities, run away inflation, and the list goes on. It’s within the context of Paul’s time in history, which by the way is no different than our circumstances today in that God is the “God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction”. This is very comforting in and of itself-knowing that God is the God who provides “ALL” comfort for us and not just some comfort. As such, we can pray daily for God’s comfort. But this still beggs the question as to “WHY” God allows the affliction and them comfort in the first place. Let’s address that next.
God allows for affliction, trials, suffering and pain in this life so that He can make himself more visible in our lives through His role as the undeniable “Comforter”. We often give credit for the things of to technology and marvels of our modern world when it’s actually God who is behind them. God makes clear through Paul that He does not cause, but “allows” affliction in life so that He may experience His provision, healing and comfort. As a result of our “receiving” God’s “comfort”, we are then able to dispense comfort back into the lives to others. Paul makes this clear in 2 Corinthians which says:
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”
The word “Comfort” here means “exhortation”, “encouragement”, and “cheer”. Paul used this word something’s translated “consultation” ten times in following five verses (vv. 3-7). We are to offer comfort to other in the body. This means stopping our busy lives when a brother or sister is hurting or in need of “comfort”. This is easier said than done In our busy, technology driven world.
The setting in part here that Paul is eluding to is “the church”. This is the purpose of our gathering in the church (Hebrews 10:24, 25) which says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching”. But our comforting others ought not be limited to a physical church building. The building is just a physical location for the “body” of Christ to meet.
What Paul is saying is that when we as believers meet at or as church in fellowship, there should be no selfish ambition, back biting or gossiping. Instead, we should encourage one another in the faith. The world is filled with tribulation, so for us as believers, to bring further tribulation upon other believers can be a grievous sin against God and others believers. Let’s think about that.
To bring this all together in conclusion comfort is needed in times of tribulation. The word “tribulation” means times of distress or of affliction. To answer the question as to why God allows us to go through tribulation and why God comforts us in such times-God comforts us not only to make us comfortable but also to make us comforters to others. The comfort that God gives to us becomes a gift that we can in turn give to others (7:6; Acts 9:10-19). Our willingness to share the comfort that God has given us with others reflects the sincerity or our faith and of our heart as John 13:35 makes clear in saying, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”.
So there you have the answer as to why God comforts us in our afflictions. It’s not simply for us to take that comfort and keep it for our own pleasure or just to live comfortably. Those are good things, but we are told that the main reason we are given that comfort is to take that God given comfort as a gift to comfort other believers in Jesus Christ, and to non-believers in leading them to the God of the Universe and the God of “All Comfort”
I trust you will think about that and implement this in your own life this day forward. Blessings to you as we start a new day as you walk in the comfort of God the Father in your daily walk-Steven
(Copyright 2023)