FIRST: Ask God to “search you”. Now I know this sounds pretty uncomfortable. The reason we feel that way is because we are all sinners, and to have the God of the universe “search us” is to have Him reveal the good, but also the bad. The benefit and real reason you ought to ask God daily to search you is for God to know your heart. God is infinite and omniscient. As such He already knows your heart. The reason this is important is because by your invitation and free will for God to do so, your heart becomes more open and moldable before God.
SECOND: Ask God to “Try you”. Wow, who wants to be tried by God? By asking God to try you, you will think more carefully before doing things that might invoke a trial or "being tried". Inviting God to try you in a sense alerts your heart and mind to want to be more transparent and honest before God with both the good and bad in your life. By “asking” God to try you, it seems that He will try you and “show” you what you are doing right, and the areas in your life that you can improve on. Furthermore, it gives you a new level of closeness in your relationship with God. The MAIN REASON you want to ask God to try you if to give you the understanding or reminder that He already knows your thoughts. Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit and tried to “hide”. When asked by God where they have been and what happened with them, they tried to hide their sinful violation as if God didn’t know their thoughts, location or actions. The point in asking God to try us is to remind ourselves that God knows our thought and show us that we cannot hide anything from God. This also puts us on a new level of transparency and on a deeper level of relationship with the God of the universe through honesty and truth fullness.
THIRD AND LASTLY: You want to make certain that there are no major grievous ways going on in your life or in your heart. If you are stealing from work, having an affair, viewing pornography, or borrowing your neighbor’s tools without asking and sometimes not returning them, make good with that person and with God. Then ask God to lead you on a more righteous path. Most important with number three is two fold. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you want to confess your sins and grievous ways and ask God to forgive you your sins and then lead you through life and into eternity to the way every-lasting-called heaven. You want to stop and do that now if you have never done that. If you already have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, perhaps its time to ask these three questions in line of getting a tune up with the Lord. All of us (every believer) need such a tune up periodically.
CONCLUSION: In closing, the Psalmist in Psalm 139 said it this way: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” psalm 139:23-24