1) We should "exhault" God's name him daily.
2) We should "praise" His name daily.
- We praise his name and exahault Him daily because He is over, and in control of this world and the entire universe. Furthermore, He has done wonderful things regarding things the past that effect our life in present and yet to come for us in future.
- In the end, God is both FAITHFUL and SURE because He is all Good, all Perfect, Infinite, Omniscient, and Immuntible-meaning that He cannot change. As such, the Bible describes God as "Sure" in Isaiah 25:1 because a "sure thing" means that, that "thing" is 100% "certain" to happen or be carried out. God's promises are 100% sure to be kept, and His "plans" 100% guaranteed to be completed and carried through.
- This is how God works: He is perfect, and faithful to what He promises. What He say's is 100% guaranteed to happen according to His Word.
- SO WHAT? APPLICATION: In a world of uncertainty, having a relationship with one and only "Sure" God of the universe is incredibly comforting. God will provide what we need and give us hope in difficult times. Furthermore, it's comforting knowing that because we can be "sure" of God and His promises, we can have full confidence in the fact that justice, law, order, love and peace, and rightfullness will once again return and rule the land-in one arena or another.
- In conclusion, how do know this? Because God is a "SURE" thing: Meaning that we can count on Him to be 100% "SURE" to do/carry out what He say He will do.
- "O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure. (Isaiah 25:1)