God gives us five specific ways we can teach our the Bible to our children. More important or just as important in these five specific things is the fact that by doing this it can and most likely will eventually lead to an organic love and hunger for God’s Word in their hearts, minds and lives as they take ownership of their faith as their own. Let’s now jump in with number one:
1) FIRST: We must teach the Word of God diligently to our children. By diligently God means with consistency and with intentionality; not sporadically or casually.
2) SECOND: We must talk, teach and share God’s Word/Bible to our children at home. We must make that happen and get off technology and interact with our children more in the mundane routine of everyday living and in those more eventful teachable moments in life.
3) THIRD: We must teach and speak God’s Word to them when we walk and drive to events with our children. That is when we have their captured attention. Make them out down and turn off their devices and interact with them by story, parables-teaching them God’s Word.
4) FOURTH: Teach your children God’s when they lie down to go to sleep. We all dream and process what we last think about when we sleep at night. This way, they will process God’s Word and less about the un’attuale stresses in their life as they sleep.
5) FIFTH AND LAST: Teach your children God’s Word when they rise up first thing in the morning. Better yet, give them the hunger to want to read the Bible first thing in the morning on their own. And once they are old enough they will begin to take their faith as their own and have the desire to start their day in the Word of God. This is the verse that outlines these five commands by God about teaching our children the Word of God:
“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” (Duet. 6:6-7)
- It’s within this love that we are to teach the truth and love of God with our children. Over time, we will have taught them to have a “Love” of God’s Word independent of our leading them. This is the best thing we can give our children above all other things. And these are FIVE SPRCIFIC WAYS GOD COMMANDS US TO TEACH THE BIBLE (and Love of God’s Word) TO OUR CHILDREN.