Seven Things To Overcome In Fulfilling God’s Purpose For Your LIfe
* Before you read on, please look carefully at these seven things and think about how each one affects your living out your own faith in the world today,
To put what I’m about to share in biblical context, it’s important to note that difficulties are not necessarily obstacles for us as God’s children, but rather His appointed way. The world, yes, is changing. We must not shrink back from proclaiming the Gospel message and making disciples of Christ.
Today, I will challenge you to over come Seven Things To Overcome In Fulfilling God’s Purpose For Your LIfe. We must be more tactful, skilled and God dependent to carry out our Christian calling and mission.
We ought never compromise the Truth of God’s Word to suit the world but we can and should adapt our ways of sharing our faith. We need to leave the mindset of how we used to be able to share our faith in the USA and get re-Equipped to more affectively grow in and our faith in the new age. Lastly, we ought never retreat to the comforts of our modern world and the safety of our artiphicial high-tech world, or church bubble. Instead we ought, can and should be tactfully retooled as Christians to execute the Great Commission of Matthew 28, and become more bold as salt and light to our perishing world.
We ought never as Christian’s neglect carrying out the Great Commission Jesus left us in Matthew 28. We ought never leave the Great Commission to others to do while we enjoy the simple pleasures of this life, or the comfort of the church culture. Instead, we ought to seek to fulfill God's mission as He has called us and not fit our calling-mission into the comfort of our self-created world.
I want the challenge you to do your part in whatever, however, wherever and whenever God calls you.
Let’s make sure to do this lest we be called before Christ for failing to use the talents and all He has given and entrusted to us for His glory and not our own. Let’s make sure that we don’t dig a hole and put the talents God gives us in the ground with at least some form of bank-like interest. It's easy to pay the church tithe, and more difficult to truly live out your faith in our godless world. So as we wrap up this article, I ask you again this one simple question: "WHO SHALL SEPARATE IS FROM THR LOVE OF CHRIST?"
God has us the answer through the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:35 which says this:
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:35;37).
Let's be honest: These are seven things that confront and keep you and most people from moving more deeply into living out our faith in our modern secular world.
The world is changing quickly, but God has not, does not, and cannot change. The Seven Things To Overcome In Fulfilling God’s Purpose For Your LIfe we discussed today are not easy to attain-but neither is living out the authentic Christian life. As such, we must not shrink back from proclaiming the Gospel message and making disciples of Christ. We must be more tactful, skilled and God/Holy Spirit dependent to carry out our Christian calling and mission. We ought never compromise the Truth of God’s calling in our life to suit our worldly comfort. Instead, we can and should adapt our life to God's calling; tactfully, carefully, diplomatically, but authentically and with a smooth sense of confidence and boldness.
If you are serious about living your faith tactfully, more deeply and seriously in our world today, I would like to help equip you to do so through one on one coaching and online training. To learn better how you can can more affective my share your faith in a hostile world, please contact me me personlly and check out the Equipped Basic Training course at EQUIPPEDACADEMY.COM. If you feel you have been equipped, inspired, encouraged and informed in your daily walk with God and how you can better share your faith in your world, please consider standing with us monthly.With a grateful heart-Steven Garofalo
Copyright 2023 (Steven Garofalo)