It’s wise to live in the present: “Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions. (ecclesiastes 7:10)
One common aspect of life is that is neither valuable nor wise is pining for the “good ole’ days.” The temptation to glorify the past at the expense of the present must be resisted. The pleasures and advantages of those “days” may be more imaginary than real. God has neither past nor future. He is simply “I am”. He simply “IS” as we would imagine one moment (In the space-time continuum), encompassing eternity as we can best understand it. God is outside time and space as eternal, so he never had a start point like all other created things, including you and I. As such, this should instruct all people, as to the brevity of life, and the importance of living for today as opposed to the good ole days of yesterday.
What the world or one’s country once was is a thing of the past. What a thing is in the present is what God has at hand for each of us. We should avoid apathy and embrace the present world the lord has called us to. That may mean staying where you are or leaving your job for another. It may entail leaving your state or even your country for another. My father left Italy as a young man to come to America for a better life. If America fails to allow for a “better life”, it may be wise to move on at some point in time and history.
In conclusion, the only constant is change, and we ought to get used to that and accept that truth as a biblical cornerstone in our pursuit of God through our relationship with Jesus Christ. Because God is “I AM” we are closest to him when we place our mind and heart in the present, not the past and certainly not the future.
If we get stuck day dreaming about the past or good times yet to come in the future, we will inevitably miss the blessings and great things god has for us today in the present.
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COPYRIGHT 2023 Steven Garofalo
(This article was written exclusively for Community Subscribers but in this case shared with the entire community)