All of us experience temptations on a daily basis. Whether that is temptation with food, money, power or sex, Satan and our fallen modern world is bent on tempting us in every area, on every level. Today, we are going to dig into the Book of James, Chapter 1, verses 13-18 in explaining the pedigree of trials-explaining temptation in verses 13-15. Let’s get started.
In James 1:1-12, James in the Book of James not only explains, but outlines the “purpose of trials”. Today, we are going to study what James has to say about the mechanics of “temptation(s)”.
James makes clear that God himself does not tempt anyone, saying: “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He himself tempts no one” (James 1:13 ESV). James goes onto write about God as only being able to give good things. This includes the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that is key to the spiritual battle that entails deterring temptation. This begs the question as to “what is temptation?”
For starters, to tempt is to test, try, prove, or solicit to evil. In verse 2 and 12, the same Greek word is used to mean those trials that are designed to prove the quality of one’s character. In verse 13 the word “tempt” means “a solicitation to evil”; and this, James says, is not from God but from man’s own inner lust (v.14). Any attempt at self-excuse is ignorance about God and of the nature of temptation.
James 1:14 says, “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire”. The word “LURE” is the same word used for “fishing lure”. We lure fish by placing artificial or live bait on a line with a HOOK to entice, hook, and reel them in. The devil or his angels do the same with us-luring (soliciting) us to evil through our own inner lust. Again, the word picture behind these words is that of the hunter or fisherman (the lustful flesh, secular world or evil spirit) luring his prey (us) from its safe retreat into sinful thinking and/or actions.
And this explains the biblical concept of "temptation". In the next article, we will look at the "STAGES" of sin-meaning how and where sin starts in our minds and hearts and where it ends up. Stay tuned and make it a great day as we apply this new understanding or simple reminder of what sin is, who it comes from from, and how to avoid it-Steven